He Listens
Carol Condon
I noticed his limp when he came in from playing with his friends. As he got ready for bed he told me that his leg was really hurting. His older brothers suffered many nights with leg aches so I wasn’t too alarmed. We said our prayers and he went to bed.
The following morning, Chase came to me with a more pronounced limp and was holding onto his hip with tears in his eyes. He said that he was unable to lift his leg. I called our pediatrician and made the first available appointment.
As the doctor examined Chase he looked over his head with a worried expression and said we were going to be making a trip to Children’s. He did not want to alarm Chase, but he was trying to inform me of the need to hurry. He told me that he was calling Children’s and they would be ready for us. He suspected a rare problem in Chase’s hip that if correct he would need surgery in the next 24 hours or it could possibly affect the growth in that leg.
My mind was in a panic but I didn’t want Chase to know. I told him that the doctors were going to take pictures of the inside of his leg. As soon as we arrived we were ushered back to x-ray. There was an issue getting the proper personnel to read the report so they sent us home with a promise to call as soon as they knew something.
When we got home I got Chase settled on the couch. He let out a whimper and told me that he could barely move his leg at all. I felt something rise within me. I walked over and laid hands on Chase’s leg and said with much faith, “You are a worshiper, Chase, and in John 9:31 we are told that if any man be a worshipper and doeth His will, him He heareth.” He and I began to pray.
Just minutes later Chase got up to use the restroom. I heard a loud noise followed by yelling and feet stomping. I went running to see what happened. I found Chase jumping up and down shouting, “He did it, Mom! He did it, Mom! I felt something and all the pain is gone. Look at me now!” He took off running down our hallway shouting, “He did it!”
“…….but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth.”
John 9: 31