Lost and Found
Carol Condon
All the confusion and chaos may drive some to the brink of insanity but it brings a smile to my heart, which duplicates one to my face as well. When all six of us are together and are out celebrating some quality, family time it is loud, chaotic, and so satisfying. I sincerely love these moments in time.
Stories are being told with much passion and each storyteller gets louder and more passionate. Small breaths are taken so that there is not a big enough spot for an interruption by the next one with a story bursting to tell. These special moments are not about what type of restaurant we are at but the celebration is the fact that we are all together. Very seldom are we able to come in the same vehicle. So, following the meal complete mayhem takes place as everyone fights for who is riding with who and the mad dash to insure the front seat of the vehicle they chose.
It was following one of these precious outings that I followed my loud and lovely family to the car and headed home. The following day as I attempted to pay for my groceries I realized my credit card was never retrieved from the night before.
I made the call to the manager on duty and explained my dilemma. He asked me to meet him with my ID. I was shocked when I saw him bring a huge stack of unclaimed credit cards from the lost and found box. He went on to explain to me the variety of expensive items that he keeps locked in his office in case someone realizes where they lost their “valuables.”
I wonder how full the “Lost and Found” box is that our Lord keeps locked up with all the valuable items waiting to be claimed. We are given so many promises, answered prayers, callings, favor, and so much more but in the chaos of our own lives we set them down and they go unclaimed and in many cases are simply forgotten. He has gathered them up and is waiting on us to call Him and claim what is ours.
If we will begin a search of all that we lost, He will unlock the Lost and Found box and we will be reunited to our valuables. His gifts are with out repentance, in other words they are there waiting to be claimed. Begin your search today!
7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8 NIV
Thanks Carol. You are such an inspiration and blessing. Glad the Lord put you and your family in our lives. Love to you all. Sandra
ReplyDeleteSo refreshing. Seeing a spiritual lesson in our little every day happenings. I am blessed that your are mine.